The 21-Year Old and Her Tear

How It Happened

Posted on: December 26, 2010

My injury happened the second week of November in 2010.  I was playing flag football like I had been doing every week since school started.

I was ready to cut past my opponent when I heard 4 loud pops from my knee.  The popping happened when I decelerated and planted my right leg, extended, into the ground.  Studies have shown that a person is more susceptible to an ACL injury when using cleats.

The next thing you know, I fell to the ground, curled into a fetal position, and was clawing the grass with my fingers because the pain was unbearable.  Initially, my right leg was numb; more than 5 minutes later, when I was taken to the sidelines, the stabbing-like pain went away.

I had never broken a bone but I instinctively knew I did not.  I went to the ER that same night and the X-rays confirmed my guess.  The doctor prescribed two painkillers (one was Darvocet — it was recalled 2 weeks after my ER trip!) but I never bought them from the pharmacy.  Instead, I took Advil.  I was given crutches and my right leg was put in a cast-like brace (the photo isn’t me) that prevented me from bending.  I wore this brace day and night (including sleep) until I went to the orthopedist 2 days later.

Between the time of my injury and my first visit to the orthopedist, I iced my right knee for 2 hours each day in 20-minute intervals without the brace.  I lost all range of motion (couldn’t bend at all) and my right knee was the size of a grapefruit.  My leg was elevated above the heart using pillows placed under my foot and calf rather than under my knee.

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